
Step by step guide to your mortgage- a factsheet from HYPOHAUS

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Step by step guide to your mortgage- a factsheet from HYPOHAUS

Step by step guide to your mortgage- a factsheet from HYPOHAUS 2560 1707 HYPOHAUS - Swiss Mortgage Broker Experts

The path to home ownership is a big and exciting step that should be well planned. To make the process easier for you, we at HYPOHAUS have compiled the most important steps in a factsheet.

The process

First, you view the property and express your intention to buy if you are interested. A written purchase price offer is then submitted, if necessary accompanied by a financing confirmation that confirms financial viability.

Once the offer has been accepted, a reservation contract is signed and the best mortgage offer is selected. HYPOHAUS supports you in this process for free by comparing offers from over 60 lenders and negotiating the best interest rate for you.
An account is then opened with the selected lender and the equity is transferred. Once the loan agreements have been signed and the lender has issued a promise to pay, the property is notarised and ownership is officially transferred.

Our factsheet will ensure that you master each step with clarity and certainty. Download our PDF to find out all the details and contact us for personalised advice and a free interest rate comparison.